How to buy Bitcoin for beginners: A step-by-step guide

Last updated:Dec 01,2023

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Welcome to the comprehensive guide on buying Bitcoin for beginners! In this guide, we'll navigate the exciting world of cryptocurrency together, exploring the step-by-step process of acquiring Bitcoin, understanding the challenges faced by newcomers, and providing valuable insights into ensuring a secure and informed investment journey.

As the popularity of Bitcoin continues to grow, more individuals are seeking ways to enter the crypto space. Whether you're a complete novice or someone looking to refine your approach to purchasing Bitcoin, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions.

We'll start by unraveling the basics of Bitcoin, explaining how to choose the right wallet, navigate cryptocurrency exchanges, and understand the intricacies of transactions. Along the way, we'll address common challenges faced by beginners, from security concerns to regulatory uncertainties, and provide practical solutions to enhance your overall experience.

Staying informed is key in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, so we'll delve into strategies for keeping abreast of the latest news, market trends, and technological developments. Understanding the risks associated with Bitcoin investments and adopting a patient, long-term perspective are also crucial aspects we'll explore.

Whether you're looking to make your first Bitcoin purchase or seeking to enhance your knowledge, this guide is designed to be your go-to resource. Remember, the journey into the world of Bitcoin is both exciting and educational, and by the end of this guide, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of buying and owning Bitcoin securely.

How to buy Bitcoin for beginners: A step-by-step guide

Understanding Bitcoin Basics

What is Bitcoin?

Provide a comprehensive definition of Bitcoin, emphasizing its role as a decentralized digital currency. Discuss its origin, the pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto, and the core principles that underpin its existence.

How Does Bitcoin Work?

Break down the workings of the Bitcoin network. Explain the concept of blockchain, the decentralized ledger that records all transactions. Explore the role of miners in validating transactions and securing the network through proof-of-work consensus.

Bitcoin Supply: Limited and Halving Events

Discuss the unique supply dynamics of Bitcoin. Explain the capped supply of 21 million coins and the significance of halving events, where the reward for mining new blocks is reduced by half. Explore the impact of these events on the scarcity and perceived value of Bitcoin.

Decentralization in Bitcoin

Explore the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, highlighting how it operates without a central authority. Discuss the peer-to-peer network, nodes, and the absence of a single point of control. Emphasize the benefits of decentralization, such as resistance to censorship and increased security.

Bitcoin as Digital Gold

Examine the narrative of Bitcoin as "digital gold" and a store of value. Discuss its attributes that make it comparable to traditional stores of value, such as scarcity, durability, and fungibility. Explore how this narrative influences its adoption and perception in the financial landscape.

Bitcoin Mining and Energy Consumption

Delve into the process of Bitcoin mining and its associated energy consumption. Explain the computational puzzle miners solve to add blocks to the blockchain. Discuss the ongoing debate surrounding the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and initiatives for more sustainable practices.

Legal and Regulatory Landscape

Discuss the legal and regulatory considerations surrounding Bitcoin. Explore the varying approaches of different countries, ranging from acceptance and regulation to skepticism and prohibition. Highlight key regulatory developments shaping the legitimacy of Bitcoin in different jurisdictions.

Bitcoin Wallets: Hot Wallets vs. Cold Wallets

Explain the concept of Bitcoin wallets and the differentiation between hot wallets (online) and cold wallets (offline). Discuss the security implications of each type, guiding users on selecting the most suitable wallet based on their usage and security preferences.

Bitcoin Transactions: Anonymity and Transparency

Explore the dichotomy of Bitcoin transactions, combining pseudonymity with transparency. Discuss how transactions are recorded on the public blockchain, providing transparency, while the use of addresses offers a degree of privacy. Address common misconceptions about Bitcoin's anonymity.

Bitcoin and Innovation: Beyond Currency

Highlight the innovative potential of Bitcoin beyond being a digital currency. Explore concepts like smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the development of second-layer solutions such as the Lightning Network. Discuss how these innovations contribute to the evolving narrative of Bitcoin.

Choosing a Bitcoin Wallet

Understanding Wallet Types

Provide an overview of the main types of Bitcoin wallets: software wallets, hardware wallets, paper wallets, and mobile wallets. Explain the unique features and advantages of each type to help users make an informed decision based on their preferences and needs.

Software Wallets: Convenience and Accessibility

Discuss the characteristics of software wallets, emphasizing their convenience and accessibility. Explore how these wallets can be accessed through desktop or mobile applications, making them suitable for users who prioritize easy access to their Bitcoin holdings.

Hardware Wallets: Enhanced Security

Explain the security benefits of hardware wallets. Discuss how these physical devices store private keys offline, reducing the risk of hacking and unauthorized access. Highlight the importance of hardware wallets for users who prioritize the security of their Bitcoin investments.

Paper Wallets: Offline Storage Option

Explore the concept of paper wallets as a form of cold storage. Discuss the process of generating a paper wallet and the offline storage of private keys. Highlight the security advantages of paper wallets while emphasizing the importance of safekeeping and responsible usage.

Mobile Wallets: On-the-Go Access

Discuss the features of mobile wallets, emphasizing their suitability for users who prefer managing their Bitcoin on-the-go. Explore the user-friendly interfaces, QR code scanning capabilities, and the balance between convenience and security in mobile wallet options.

Considerations for Wallet Security

Provide a checklist of factors to consider when evaluating the security of a Bitcoin wallet. Discuss features such as two-factor authentication (2FA), passphrase options, and backup and recovery procedures. Guide users on selecting a wallet that aligns with their security preferences.

Wallet Compatibility and Integration

Explore the importance of wallet compatibility with different operating systems and devices. Discuss how integration with hardware wallets, exchange platforms, and other services enhances the overall user experience. Highlight wallets that offer seamless integration for user convenience.

User Reviews and Reputation

Emphasize the significance of user reviews and the reputation of wallet providers. Discuss the value of feedback from the community and how reputable wallet providers prioritize security and user satisfaction. Encourage users to research and consider the experiences of others before choosing a wallet.

Backup and Recovery Features

Discuss the importance of backup and recovery features in a Bitcoin wallet. Explain the process of creating secure backups, such as mnemonic phrases or seed words, and how these features help users regain access to their funds in case of device loss or malfunction.

Updates and Development Activity

Highlight the significance of regular updates and ongoing development in a Bitcoin wallet. Discuss how active development ensures compatibility with the latest security standards and features. Encourage users to choose wallets with a proven track record of updates and responsiveness to potential vulnerabilities.

Creating Your Bitcoin Wallet

Choosing the Right Wallet for You

Guide users through the process of selecting a Bitcoin wallet based on their preferences, security requirements, and intended usage. Discuss the trade-offs between software, hardware, paper, and mobile wallets, emphasizing the importance of aligning the choice with individual needs.

Setting Up a Software Wallet

Provide step-by-step instructions on setting up a software wallet. Cover the download and installation process, account creation, and the generation of a unique Bitcoin address. Emphasize the importance of securing login credentials and any recovery phrases provided during the setup.

Configuring a Hardware Wallet

Walk users through the configuration of a hardware wallet. Explain the initial setup steps, including device activation, PIN creation, and the generation of a secure recovery seed. Highlight the offline nature of hardware wallets and stress the significance of keeping the recovery seed secure.

Generating a Paper Wallet

Explain the process of generating a paper wallet for users seeking cold storage options. Discuss reputable paper wallet generators and guide users through the steps, including address generation and the secure printing or writing down of the private key. Emphasize the need for physical security of the paper wallet.

Installing and Securing a Mobile Wallet

Detail the installation and setup of a mobile wallet. Cover the download process from app stores, account creation, and the generation of a wallet address. Discuss additional security features, such as biometric authentication or PIN protection, and highlight the importance of keeping the mobile device secure.

Security Best Practices for Wallet Creation

Provide a comprehensive guide on security best practices during wallet creation. Cover topics such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), avoiding public Wi-Fi for setup, and securing recovery phrases. Emphasize the critical role of user responsibility in maintaining the security of their Bitcoin wallet.

Funding Your Wallet: Receiving Bitcoin

Explain how to receive Bitcoin into the newly created wallet. Discuss the sharing of the wallet address, QR code scanning, and the importance of double-checking the accuracy of the provided address. Educate users on monitoring their transaction history and understanding incoming transactions.

Making Your First Transaction: Sending Bitcoin

Guide users through the process of sending Bitcoin from their wallet. Cover the input of the recipient's address, transaction amount, and any additional transaction details. Emphasize the confirmation steps and the role of transaction fees in ensuring timely processing.

Regularly Updating and Backing Up Your Wallet

Stress the importance of regularly updating wallet software to benefit from security patches and feature enhancements. Discuss the process of backing up the wallet, including the secure storage of recovery phrases or seed words. Educate users on the potential consequences of failing to keep their wallet software up to date.

Exploring Additional Wallet Features

Encourage users to explore additional features offered by their chosen wallet. Discuss features such as multiple accounts, label customization for transactions, and the integration of third-party services. Highlight how these features can enhance the overall user experience and utility of the Bitcoin wallet.

Buying Bitcoin on Exchanges

Choosing a Reliable Cryptocurrency Exchange

Guide users in selecting a reputable cryptocurrency exchange for buying Bitcoin. Discuss factors such as security features, user interface, fees, supported regions, and the exchange's track record. Emphasize the importance of due diligence in choosing a trustworthy platform.

Account Creation and Verification

Walk users through the process of creating an account on the chosen cryptocurrency exchange. Explain the information required for account registration and the subsequent verification process. Highlight the significance of completing identity verification to comply with regulatory standards.

Depositing Funds to Your Exchange Account

Detail the steps for depositing funds into the exchange account. Discuss the various funding methods, such as bank transfers, credit/debit cards, or cryptocurrency deposits. Provide insights into transaction times, fees, and considerations when choosing a funding method.

Navigating the Exchange Interface

Guide users through the exchange interface, covering essential components such as the trading dashboard, order book, and price charts. Explain how to place market and limit orders, set buy parameters, and monitor real-time price movements. Ensure users are familiar with the basic functionalities of the exchange.

Executing a Bitcoin Purchase

Explain the process of executing a Bitcoin purchase on the exchange. Discuss how to input the desired purchase amount, choose order types, and confirm the transaction. Highlight the importance of reviewing transaction details before finalizing the purchase to avoid errors.

Understanding Fees and Transaction Costs

Educate users on the various fees associated with buying Bitcoin on exchanges. Discuss trading fees, withdrawal fees, and any other relevant costs. Explain how these fees can impact the overall transaction cost and provide tips on minimizing expenses.

Security Measures for Exchange Accounts

Highlight essential security measures for exchange accounts. Discuss the importance of enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), using secure passwords, and regularly monitoring account activity. Emphasize the need to secure account recovery options and maintain awareness of potential phishing attempts.

Withdrawing Bitcoin to Your Wallet

Guide users through the process of withdrawing purchased Bitcoin to their personal wallet. Discuss the importance of using a wallet with private key control and the steps involved in initiating a withdrawal. Emphasize the security benefits of holding Bitcoin in a personal wallet rather than on an exchange.

Monitoring Market Trends and Price Movements

Encourage users to stay informed about market trends and Bitcoin price movements. Discuss tools available on the exchange for technical analysis, price alerts, and market news. Emphasize the importance of informed decision-making and ongoing market awareness for successful trading.

Compliance with Tax Regulations

Provide information on the tax implications of buying and owning Bitcoin. Discuss the importance of understanding and complying with relevant tax regulations in the user's jurisdiction. Recommend consulting with a tax professional for personalized advice on cryptocurrency taxation.

Common Pitfalls and Tips for Safe Trading

Warn users about common pitfalls in cryptocurrency trading, such as market volatility, phishing scams, and the risk of relying on unverified information. Provide tips for safe trading, including risk management strategies, diversification, and continuous learning about the cryptocurrency market.

Securing Your Bitcoin Investment

Importance of Securing Your Bitcoin

Emphasize the critical need for robust security measures to protect Bitcoin investments. Discuss the irreversible nature of cryptocurrency transactions and the potential risks associated with hacking, fraud, and unauthorized access.

Using Hardware Wallets for Cold Storage

Highlight the benefits of using hardware wallets for cold storage. Explain how hardware wallets keep private keys offline, reducing the risk of online threats. Guide users through the process of transferring Bitcoin from exchange wallets to hardware wallets for enhanced security.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Discuss the importance of enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for all relevant accounts, including exchange accounts and Bitcoin wallets. Explain the additional layer of security 2FA provides by requiring a secondary verification step, typically through a mobile device or authenticator app.

Securing Private Keys and Recovery Phrases

Educate users on the significance of securing private keys and recovery phrases. Discuss best practices for storing these critical elements, such as using physical backups like hardware or paper wallets, and avoiding digital storage or sharing these details online.

Regularly Updating Wallet Software

Stress the importance of regularly updating wallet software to benefit from security patches and improvements. Discuss how outdated software may be susceptible to vulnerabilities and how staying current enhances the overall security of Bitcoin holdings.

Avoiding Phishing Scams and Social Engineering

Provide guidance on recognizing and avoiding phishing scams and social engineering attacks. Emphasize the importance of verifying the legitimacy of websites, emails, and communication channels. Educate users on common tactics employed by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to cryptocurrency holdings.

Securing Your Physical Hardware Wallet

Discuss physical security measures for hardware wallets. Emphasize the importance of keeping the device in a secure location, protecting it from physical damage, and ensuring that it remains in the possession of the rightful owner to prevent unauthorized access.

Creating Secure Backup Strategies

Guide users on creating secure backup strategies for their Bitcoin holdings. Discuss the use of multiple backups in different physical locations, the importance of redundancy, and the necessity of periodically checking the accessibility of backups to avoid potential data loss.

Monitoring Account Activity and Alerts

Encourage users to regularly monitor their Bitcoin accounts for any suspicious activity. Discuss the use of account activity alerts provided by wallets and exchanges. Emphasize the prompt response to any unexpected transactions or login attempts to mitigate potential security threats.

Educating Yourself on Security Best Practices

Encourage ongoing education on security best practices in the cryptocurrency space. Recommend reputable sources for staying informed about the latest security threats, updates, and emerging trends. Emphasize the role of user awareness and responsibility in maintaining the security of Bitcoin investments.

Seeking Professional Advice

Advise users to seek professional advice, especially for significant Bitcoin investments. Recommend consulting with cybersecurity experts, financial advisors, or legal professionals to ensure a comprehensive approach to securing and managing cryptocurrency holdings.

Understanding Bitcoin Transactions

Introduction to Bitcoin Transactions

Provide a brief overview of how Bitcoin transactions function within the blockchain network. Explain the decentralized nature of transactions and how they serve as the transfer of value between participants in the network.

Components of a Bitcoin Transaction

Break down the key components of a Bitcoin transaction. Discuss the sender's address, the recipient's address, the transaction amount in BTC, transaction fees, and the inclusion of additional data if applicable. Help users understand the structure and information contained in a typical Bitcoin transaction.

Public and Private Keys in Transactions

Explain the role of public and private keys in securing Bitcoin transactions. Discuss how the sender uses their private key to sign the transaction, providing cryptographic proof of ownership. Emphasize the importance of keeping private keys secure to maintain transaction integrity.

Transaction Verification Process

Describe the process of verifying Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain. Discuss the role of miners in confirming transactions, adding them to blocks, and solving complex mathematical puzzles to secure the network. Explain the concept of consensus and how it ensures the validity of transactions.

Transaction Confirmations

Explain the concept of transaction confirmations and their significance. Discuss how each subsequent block added to the blockchain increases the level of security and confidence in a transaction's irreversibility. Provide insights into the average time for transactions to receive a certain number of confirmations.

Understanding Transaction Fees

Detail the purpose and mechanics of transaction fees in the Bitcoin network. Discuss how fees incentivize miners to prioritize and include transactions in blocks. Provide guidance on choosing appropriate transaction fees based on network congestion and urgency.

Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Transaction Efficiency

Introduce users to Segregated Witness (SegWit) and its impact on transaction efficiency. Explain how SegWit separates transaction data from the witness data, reducing transaction size and fees. Highlight the benefits of using SegWit addresses for improved scalability and network optimization.

Multi-Signature (Multisig) Transactions

Explore the concept of multi-signature (multisig) transactions as an additional layer of security. Discuss how multiple private keys are required to authorize a multisig transaction, enhancing security for specific use cases such as joint accounts or corporate wallets.

Address Reuse and Privacy Considerations

Address the implications of address reuse in Bitcoin transactions and the impact on user privacy. Discuss the importance of generating new addresses for each transaction to enhance privacy and security. Educate users on privacy best practices to minimize the traceability of transactions.

Non-Spendable Outputs and Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs)

Explain the concepts of non-spendable outputs and Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs). Discuss how UTXOs represent the unspent funds in a user's wallet and how they contribute to the overall transparency and traceability of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Real-world Use Cases and Transaction Examples

Provide real-world examples of Bitcoin transactions in different scenarios. Discuss common use cases such as peer-to-peer transactions, retail payments, and international remittances. Use examples to illustrate the versatility and practicality of Bitcoin transactions in various contexts.

Staying Informed: Bitcoin News and Updates

Importance of Staying Updated

Emphasize the crucial role of staying informed about the latest news and updates in the dynamic world of Bitcoin. Discuss how continuous learning enhances understanding, decision-making, and participation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Following Reputable News Sources

Guide users on identifying and following reputable Bitcoin news sources. Discuss established cryptocurrency news websites, blogs, and forums known for reliable information. Encourage users to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

Understanding Market Trends

Explain the significance of understanding market trends in the context of Bitcoin. Discuss how news related to regulatory developments, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors can impact Bitcoin prices and overall market sentiment.

Monitoring Regulatory Changes

Highlight the importance of staying informed about regulatory changes affecting Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market. Discuss how shifts in regulations can influence market dynamics, institutional participation, and the overall adoption of Bitcoin.

Updates on Technological Developments

Discuss the relevance of keeping abreast of technological developments in the Bitcoin space. Cover updates related to network upgrades, protocol improvements, and advancements in scalability or privacy features. Explain how technological changes can impact the usability and security of Bitcoin.

Security Alerts and Best Practices

Advise users to pay attention to security alerts and best practices in the Bitcoin community. Discuss common security threats, vulnerabilities, and recommended practices to safeguard personal wallets and investments. Emphasize the proactive role users can play in maintaining their security.

Community Forums and Discussions

Encourage participation in community forums and discussions as a means of staying informed and engaged. Discuss popular Bitcoin forums, social media groups, and online communities where users can share insights, ask questions, and learn from experienced community members.

Educational Webinars and Conferences

Highlight the value of attending educational webinars and conferences related to Bitcoin. Discuss reputable events that provide insights into industry trends, expert opinions, and opportunities for networking. Emphasize the potential for gaining a deeper understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem through such engagements.

Analyzing Expert Opinions and Market Analysis

Encourage users to analyze expert opinions and market analyses from reputable figures in the cryptocurrency space. Discuss how insights from industry experts, analysts, and thought leaders can contribute to a more informed perspective on Bitcoin's potential trajectory.

Understanding Social and Economic Impacts

Discuss the broader social and economic impacts of Bitcoin. Cover topics such as financial inclusion, economic empowerment, and the potential transformation of traditional financial systems. Help users recognize the societal implications of Bitcoin beyond its market value.

Managing Information Overload

Provide tips on managing information overload in the fast-paced world of Bitcoin news. Discuss strategies for prioritizing information, fact-checking, and maintaining a balanced approach to news consumption. Empower users to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

Common Challenges for Beginners

Understanding Cryptocurrency Basics

Discuss the challenges beginners face in grasping fundamental cryptocurrency concepts. Address topics such as blockchain technology, decentralized networks, and the unique features of cryptocurrencies. Provide resources and educational tips to help newcomers overcome these initial hurdles.

Choosing the Right Exchange

Examine the challenges associated with selecting a suitable cryptocurrency exchange. Discuss factors like user interface, security features, available cryptocurrencies, and transaction fees. Offer guidance on conducting research and making informed decisions when choosing an exchange.

Navigating the Wallet Landscape

Explore the challenges beginners encounter in navigating the diverse landscape of cryptocurrency wallets. Discuss the different types of wallets, their features, and the importance of security. Provide recommendations for user-friendly wallets suitable for beginners.

Security Concerns and Best Practices

Address the common security challenges faced by newcomers, including the risk of hacks, scams, and phishing attempts. Offer a comprehensive breakdown of security best practices, such as using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and maintaining private key confidentiality.

Volatility and Risk Management

Explain the challenge of dealing with the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Discuss risk management strategies for beginners, including setting realistic expectations, diversification, and understanding the cyclical nature of market fluctuations.

Regulatory Uncertainty

Discuss the challenges related to regulatory uncertainty in the cryptocurrency space. Explore how evolving regulations can impact user activities, tax implications, and overall market dynamics. Provide guidance on staying informed about regulatory developments.

Overcoming Fear of Technology

Address the fear of technology that some beginners may experience. Offer practical tips for overcoming technological barriers, such as taking small steps, seeking assistance from online communities, and leveraging user-friendly platforms.

Information Overload and Scams

Discuss the challenge of information overload and the prevalence of scams in the cryptocurrency space. Provide guidance on discerning reliable information sources, avoiding fraudulent schemes, and adopting a cautious approach when exploring new projects or investment opportunities.

Understanding Market Analysis

Examine the challenge of interpreting market analysis and technical indicators for beginners. Provide an overview of basic market analysis concepts, tools, and resources that can help newcomers make more informed decisions in the dynamic cryptocurrency market.

Patience and Long-Term Perspective

Address the challenge of maintaining patience and adopting a long-term perspective in the face of market fluctuations. Discuss the importance of setting realistic goals, avoiding impulsive decisions, and understanding that cryptocurrency investments may require time to yield significant returns.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Emphasize the necessity of continuous learning and adaptation in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. Discuss the importance of staying informed, exploring new technologies, and being open to adjusting strategies based on market trends and developments.

FAQs on Buying Bitcoin

Q1: How do I start buying Bitcoin as a beginner?

A1: To begin buying Bitcoin, you can follow these steps:
1. Choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.
2. Create an account on the selected exchange.
3. Complete the necessary identity verification process.
4. Deposit funds into your exchange account.
5. Navigate to the trading platform and place a buy order for Bitcoin.
6. Consider transferring your purchased Bitcoin to a secure wallet for added security.

Q2: What factors should I consider when selecting a cryptocurrency exchange?

A2: When choosing a cryptocurrency exchange, consider the following factors:
1. Security features and reputation of the exchange.
2. Range of cryptocurrencies available for trading.
3. User interface and ease of navigation.
4. Transaction fees and fee structure.
5. Payment methods supported for deposits and withdrawals.
6. Availability of customer support services.

Q3: Can I buy a fraction of a Bitcoin, or do I need to purchase a whole Bitcoin?

A3: Yes, you can buy a fraction of a Bitcoin. Bitcoin is divisible, and you can purchase any amount, even a small fraction, depending on your budget. The smallest unit of Bitcoin is called a satoshi, representing one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin.

Q4: How can I ensure the security of my Bitcoin investment?

A4: To secure your Bitcoin investment:
1. Use hardware wallets for cold storage.
2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts.
3. Keep your private keys and recovery phrases secure.
4. Regularly update your wallet software.
5. Be cautious of phishing scams and social engineering attempts.
6. Stay informed about the latest security best practices in the cryptocurrency space.

Q5: What are the risks associated with buying Bitcoin?

A5: While Bitcoin offers investment opportunities, it comes with certain risks:
1. Price volatility leading to potential losses.
2. Regulatory uncertainties affecting the market.
3. Security risks such as hacking and scams.
4. Technological risks related to software vulnerabilities.
5. Market sentiment shifts impacting the value of Bitcoin.
It's essential to conduct thorough research and only invest what you can afford to lose.